10 Mar

Does Seasonal Affective Disorder Depress You? Do these 6 things for instant happiness

In general, my mood is at the happy end of the spectrum. I get out of bed when the alarm goes off and a dua lipa song on the radio can turn a morning commute into a driver's side party - ask my kids. I try to live when I see my cup of coffee (and glasses of wine) half full. But these rose-colored glasses fade from time to time. When they do, some of my weekly Google searches include more than "How to Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder."
Maybe you can get in touch. The holiday glow fades, the New Year's energy fades, and the daily grind of weird Texas weather changes with my weekly mojo is an essential part of the year. It was in late February that I experienced severe emotional depression. Sometimes Mardi Gras can counter this problem with a fun festive dose, but once the last piece of King Cake is gone, SAD symptoms appear.
Feeling that we are emotionally "out of gas", but I'm not sure if that's the case. It's a cyclical thing from time to time and flip flops are sure to pop up here in Austin in April, and that feeling goes by and back to my sunny selfie. Like clockwork, it's late February and the annoying blah is back. After examining why this happens year after year, I decided to delve a little deeper into seasonal affective disorder.
These days when the slowness starts and I need a little stimulation, I have a few tricks. Austin Integrated Primary Care Physician, based in West Holistic Medicine. Thanks to Jessica Chernetsky. I recently visited the Dr. to get some helpful advice on what to do when you have seasonal affective disorder. You contacted Chernetsky. Dr. Read my interview with Chernetsky below and get tips for keeping SAD intimidators at bay. Don't miss our roundup of publisher-approved apps, supplements, and tools that will help you make it through.

Let's start with the basics: what is holistic medicine?Holistic medicine is a form of healing that treats the individual as a whole, including the ultimate goal of good health and well-being, mind, body, soul and emotions.
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?Seasonal Affective Disorder is a condition that describes episodes of major depression that occur regularly during certain seasons of the year. The most common form of SAD is winter blues. This includes depression which usually begins in the fall or winter. Even if left untreated, winter blues usually resolve in spring or summer. This usually happens on an annual and cyclical basis.for more details click here

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